Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

December is rolling on fast! The holiday festivities are in full swing and many of us are trying to plan for next year. First I want to take a moment and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and blessings for the new year. Second I want to give some quick tips for the planning process.

In reviewing 2010, did you meet your goals? Did you come close or were you totally sidelined? If you were sidelined, was it something out of your control, like a family member getting sick, or was it the "bright and shiny object syndrome" or some other form of distraction? Once you review the past year, you can see what you may need to STOP doing before you START planning to do something else. For example, you may need to stop checking e-mail first thing in the morning because it sidetracks you for the next two hours, and you instead may need to start checking it after lunch, using the more productive morning hours on money making tasks.

Three quick tips in setting new goals for 2011:
1) Start where you are now, and not where you think you should be... sometimes a reality check is needed.
2) Make sure your goals are measurable. This can be in time saved, or financial income or savings, or people or products serviced.
3) Build a team - you don't have to do it all! Surround yourself with professionals to whom you can outsource.

Hope that helps, if you have any other good tips feel free to reply to this blog and share them. Take some time and enjoy your family and friends as we remember Christ's birth.
Merry Christmas!

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