Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How do we communicate?

There are numerous studies out about communication, verbal and non-verbal. Books are written on both topics. Typically, in a face-to- face meeting we receive input as follows:

· 7% Words/Pace

· 38% Tone of Voice

· 55% Body Language (TTI LTD 2007)

There is a whole language out there that studies the different behaviors and how they communicate. Behavior studies have been around since 444 BC, but have evolved into DISC through some key persons:

William M. Marston described theory used today

Walter Clark developed first instrument

Bill J. Bonnstetter validated communication styles and has developed a detail study or language of DISC.

Unfortunately, so many people have learned the basic DISC profile and look at someone's domineering trait and labels that person. It then becomes an excuse for behavior and it does not help anyone in how-to communication.

In Bonnstetter’s work and development of Target Training International Ltd. he and his associates have developed multiple assessments to help train people in the use of DISC and how to communicate better.

I am currently coaching with John Oaks, SBL co. on the use of these assessments and teaching others how to communicate better to each behavior style. If you want more information about TTI or coaching with us, feel free to contact us at:

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